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About Us

Quem somos

We are an accounting firm for companies in Belo Horizonte and Contagem

Major changes are taking place in the Brazilian accounting and tax scenario, leading companies of all sizes to have greater demands on their legal responsibilities. This scenario requires for the future a specialized attention of managers so that the focus of the business is not lost when trying to meet various demands.

Given this scenario, Appice considers itself an organization that not only seeks customers, but maintains business relationships as partners.

This posture provides healthy, agile and effective solutions to the constant legal and market demands.

Control internally

Organize the information

Develop teams

Standardize activities

Mission: Provide accounting services, with accurate information, allowing solutions to meet tax, labor, process and accounting scenarios through a qualified team committed to customer satisfaction.

Vision: Become a reference company in the provision of accounting services and be recognized nationally, but mainly in the south and southeast of the country, through providing services with total transparency, commitment and ethics with our customers.

ISO 9001 certified company

Appice is one of the few companies in the segment to have a quality management system based on ISO 9001: 2015. The certification took place through RINA do Brasil Serviços Técnicoicos Ltda and brought several benefits to the organization and a constant improvement of the service to our customers.

In its 15 years of operation, Appice has a committed, qualified and talented team. Allied to technological knowledge, its employees are able to provide differentiated rendering in accounting services, people management and tax planning, so that their clients are successful in business and not surprised by their obligations.

Mission: Provide accounting services, with accurate information, allowing solutions to meet tax, labor, process and accounting scenarios through a qualified team committed to customer satisfaction.

Vision: Become a reference company in the provision of accounting services and be recognized nationally, but mainly in the south and southeast of the country, through providing services with total transparency, commitment and ethics with our customers.

ISO 9001 certified company

Appice is one of the few companies in the segment to have a quality management system based on ISO 9001: 2015. The certification took place through RINA do Brasil Serviços Técnicoicos Ltda and brought several benefits to the organization and a constant improvement of the service to our customers.

In its 15 years of operation, Appice has a committed, qualified and talented team. Allied to technological knowledge, its employees are able to provide differentiated rendering in accounting services, people management and tax planning, so that their clients are successful in business and not surprised by their obligations.

business accounting services

A contabilidade está disponível em todos os momentos da fundação ao dia a dia da empresa. Por isso, a APPICE presta diversos serviços contábeis, como: abertura de empresa; escrituração contábil e tributária; entrega das obrigações acessórias; emissão de certidões negativas de débitos; assessoria trabalhista; assessoria para planejamento tributário; assessoria para gestão financeira; e encerramento de empresa.

Do início ao fim, os contadores desempenham um papel importante dentro da empresa, construindo um relacionamento com cada cliente. Entre em contato conosco e nos deixe fazer parte dessa jornada, te ajudando a solucionar suas questões da melhor forma possível.

Os processos de contabilidade e tributação estão passando por grandes mudanças, levando empresas de diferentes portes a apresentarem requisitos mais elevados para atender as responsabilidades legais.

Essa situação exige dos gestores um olhar especial para o futuro, para não perder o foco do negócio, atendimento às necessidades de cada cliente.

Diante dessa realidade, a APPICE acredita que não está apenas em busca de clientes, mas também almeja ser uma organização que mantém um relacionamento comercial com cada um dos parceiros. Esse pensamento fornece uma solução sustentável, ágil e eficaz para as necessidades jurídicas de empresa em Belo Horizonte e região metropolitana.

Want to know how we can help your business?

Contact our experts now, and we will find the best result for your company!